TTHC 390: Ms received at SMLA Apr 9, 1954.
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(1991): SECOND VARIETY {Citadel Twilight edition only}
TTHC 263: Dick's sub-agents at Scott
Meredith felt free to comment on Dick's work as they received it. Some of the stories are
rated: "G" for "Good," "G plus" for better. Sometimes
there are just comments, {...}
"The Chromium Fence" is "a fine story that never quite
attains any stature."
{... ...}
The agency, moreover, made more than one attempt to break their author
through into the non-sf market.{...} Dick called "The Chromium Fence," according
to its green card, "a New Yorker story set in the future," so the
sub-agent advised trying it at the New Yorker just to see if it gets a bite. Then
Esquire, then Pohl [Frederik Pohl, then editing an original anthology series],
then Horace [Gold]...." It wound up at Imagination, for $50.
TTHC 275: One of Dick's most obscure
stories, never reprinted anywhere after its single appearance in the bottom-market Imagination
(July 1955) -- at least until the advent of Dick's collected stories in 1987 -- is
"The Chromium Fence." (This was the story Dick called "a New Yorker
story," and that the agency tried at that magazine.)
It's certainly an unusual story, even for Philip Dick, rooted as it is in very personal
issues of hygeine. In the mode of the Kornbluth - Pohl satires, popular at the time, a
current trend is magnified to absurd proportions, and made to dominate society: Dick sets
one social faction's obsession with cleanliness against another factions desire to sweat
and smell as a proof of manhood. Dick's protagonist, who just wants to be left alone, is
destroyed for his presumption. In effect, he commits suicide. Dick's psychology, in this
story, at least, seems revealed in a fugue state of withdrawal.