Beyond The Door

"The Cuckoo Clock"

TTHC    388: Manuscript received at SMLA Aug 29, 1952.       

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The Cookie Lady   Chronology Second Variety

 (1954 Jan): Fantastic Universe   (1954 JAN): FANTASTIC UNIVERSE

(1987): SECOND VARIETY {Not in Citadel Twilight edition}
(1990): WE CAN REMEMBER IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE {Citadel Twilight only}

TTHC    263:   Dick's sub-agents at Scott Meredith felt free to comment on Dick's work as they received it. Some of the stories are rated: "G" for  "Good," "G plus" for better. Sometimes there are just comments, {...}
    The agency, moreover, made more than one attempt to break their author through into the non-sf market. "The Cuckoo Clock" was submitted to Equire and Today's Woman, among others, before winding up at Fantastic Universe as "Beyond The Door."

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