TheCosmicPoachers Alicia Austin


TTHC    389:   Ms received at SMLA Nov 22, 1952.     

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Imagination, July 1953   (1953 JUL): IMAGINATION {ill. by W.E.Terry}

(1964): ALIEN WORLDS, {ed.: Roger Elwood} Paperback Library, pb, 52-320, $0.50
(1987) SECOND VARIETY {Not in Citadel Twilight}
(1990): WE CAN REMEMBER IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE {Citadel Twilight only}

TTHC    263:   Dick's sub-agents at Scott Meredith felt free to comment on Dick's work as they received it. Some of the stories are rated: "G" for  "Good," "G plus" for better. Sometimes there are just comments, as for instance "Huh, ho hum" for "Burglar" {...}

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