To the Novels of Philip K. Dick To The Novels
To the Short Stories of PKD To the Short Stories
Thanks to all who Helped To the Credits
Odds & Ends of PKDiana Essays & Extras
E Dika! To E Dika

Welcome to the Encyclopedia Dickiana!

This site is dedicated to the life and work of the late, great Science Fiction writer, Philip K. Dick (1928-82). Enjoy your visit.

King Felix!

One Mind there is; but under it two principles contend... The Mind lets in the light, then the dark, in interaction; so time is generated. At the end Mind awards victory to the light; time ceases and the Mind is complete. -- Tractates Cryptica Scriptura

Welcome to David Hyde's PKDweb

This web site is a labor of love that David has worked on for 5 years. He is pleased to be able to present this excellent collection of Philip K. Dick content to the world on There is extensive reference material about the author's novels, short stories and other writings. One can also find original PKD-inspired essays, fiction and analysis in E Dika!, the zine for online PKD fans.

Notice: Most of the links from the Index pages have been checked for accuracy but you might find broken links from the specific short story or novel reference pages. We also apologize for any broken image links that you might encounter in your journeys through these pages. We hope that it doesn't hinder your experience.

Please inform Jason of any broken links (URL's only, not image links please) by e-mail at Please give the specific URL of the parent page and the text from which it is linked. Thanks!

Please send any comments about these pages to David at

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